HellFire 7was
to be held on the Bonneville Salt Flats but wet conditions forced the annual
UROC high power launch to be relocated to an alternate site 10 miles northwest
of the Salt Flats. Given the National events during the week (World Trade
Center/Pentagon terrorist attacks) it should have come as no surprise that
HF7 would become a low power model rocket launch. The story goes - HF7
was billed as a national launch for low to high power rockets. What happened
was a NORAD controlled event attended by several hundred rocket enthusiasts
from all over the Western U.S. and a hand full of FAA/BATF agents.
All standing around staring at each other wondering who was going to do
what next. Rocket enthusiasts were enabled to launch "G" motors and
less under model rocketry flight rules. Several L1 through L3 flights
will just have to wait till the dust settles.
With plenty of time available
for vendor support, the crowd filled their rocket appetite with much needed
rocket paraphernalia. Vendor support was not totally what was expected.
Was this an omen of things to happen for the HF7?.
Others soothed their frustrations
by turning to the Temple of AP (ammonium perchlorate), aka TAP room.
Enthusiasts flocked to the TAP which served as a haven of safety for reflection
on events concerning the launch. Temple workers greeted all who inquired
concerning AP activities and instruction. Temple tours were given
by staff workers as well as instruction in the art of rocket flying to
those wishing to learn about attaining a higher level in the true kingdom
AP. Membership is open to card carrying members of NAR and Tripoli
(no discrimination). TAP workers are not encouraged to aggressively
seek new members, however as TAP member Steve L3 aka "BAMO" recited with
glazed far off eyes, "we have plenty of room in the Temple for those interested
to learn more about AP".
Several attempts by TAP members
were made to communicate with the higher order. TAP member Tim L1
aka "das Dude" explained his attempts at communication. "Generally
we are instructed by the laws in high power rocketry to seek the highest
level possible. That is we should use our mind and bodies to push to the
limits our given power to experiment and seek the true nature of AP. A
natural progression exists whereby potential members are exposed by friends
and family to dabble in black powder model rocketry. That generally leads
to basement experimentation with low power AP models. Eventually as people
think for themselves and quest for the true nature of AP, attainment of
certified levels of AP are needed. Since man is structured to accept organization,
most do not question the levels of Ap attainment. This is only a built
in safety feature to protect members from themselves and not exposing themselves
or others to power beyond their controls. Somewhere in the rocket
spectrum people realize their need to belong with like minds and they seek
fellowship. Hence organized launches appear. The TAP provides
a point of reference for the quest for AP knowledge."
Outsiders perceive the dark
side of TAP as those pushing the limit beyond organized AP and resort to
experimentation. "This may be so," explained TAP member "Woody" , "but
everyone progresses to a level of AP communication they are comfortable
with. True, some people may become obsessed or unorthodox in the
beliefs of what AP can do - but again TAP is here for group interaction
for those who truly need guidance".
Clarification should be given
that a TAP ritual performed on Sunday in the Temple was in no way related
to the pad fire immediately experienced, range right, involving Larry's
Infidels will not be blamed
or held accountable for the attack on the TAP Saturday night. Apparently
the Temple structure was in the path of a horde of non AP believers, riding
on the wind, late in the evening Saturday. The Temple showed its
strength based on the ingenuity and resources of its following.
All-in-all several good lessons
were learned about playa flying under NORAD control and the TAP will be
back next year for HellFire