DAS ROCKET - HellFire 6
HellFire 6 on the
Bonneville Salt Flats. What a blast - Literally. The weather was perfect,
the crowd was serious, the vendors makin' money and I launched! I pulled
my trusty (now rusty) trailer out on to the Flats on Friday morning. The
salt was just a little damp, but who cared as the weather was launch perfect.
Two nights in the nearby Wendover Casinos actually did help me buy more
motors. It didn't help my arrival time on Sunday (noon). All said
it was a good weekend for me. I broke a few personal records and retreived
all but three in launch ready shape. The Flats tend to behave like concrete
so check your fin reinforcing and upgrade the chute. The casualty list:
The Jaguar will be reconstructed, the Estes V2.29 will get a fin to fly
again, and only the nose cone from the Estes "D" Alpha has been parted
out. All-in-all I learned several good lessons about Flats flying and will
be back next year for HellFire
HELLFIRE 6, September
Binder Design - Jaguar
Public Missile Limited- Ariel
Tim Boschert, NAR 77002
Update: 4/12/01